The Anbanathapuram Vahaira Charities was established about one hundred and eighty six years ago by the philonthropic members of the five families of Anbanathapuram, Enathimangalam,allavarayapet, Karugudi and Kanganamputhur. Since its inception the A.V.Charities has been serving the humanity in the field of religion and charitable activities.
It was in 1955, the charities founded the A.V.C. College to serve the cause of higher education. The institution grown strength to strength and has bloomed into a Post-Graduate and Research institution with an over all strength of 2,421 students which includes 925 women students of the Evening College, 23 M.Phil students and 28 recearch scolars. The College Offers 11 Undergraduate, 12 Postgraduate, 4 M.Phil and 2 concurrent Diploma programes. Department of Zoology offers Ph.D programme.
The college got autonomus status in 1987. Initially autonomy was given to the college for five years. Extention of autonomy has been granded to our college further period of five years and more, due to the commendable performance by the college. In fact the National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA) has adjudged our institution as one of the best managed Autonomous Colleges in India.